Friday, October 24, 2014

Freebie Friday!

This freebie is going to be a little bit different. I presented a Smart board 101 training last Tuesday and I thought I'd share my hand-out (all visual steps) and my Smart board file that includes some examples of each game/activity taught. I know not everyone has a Smart board, but for those that do, I hope this helps provide the step-by-step directions one needs to begin creating your own games. (or at least enjoy the free games included as examples!) :)
Click on Pic above to get yours! Hope this helps!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Freebie Friday!

I just love Halloween time! Our class does our spider and bat unit and our focus shifts a bit more toward nonfiction. I thought it would be fun to put together a spider unit of games for centers, but also have a Smart Board component to introduce the games. This is one of the largest freebies that I've ever given away. You are all great customers and I thought you deserve a nice one this week ;) I hope you enjoy! Happy Friday!!!  Please follow me for future freebies!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Freebie Friday!

Just a couple quick, but fun things for your freebie Friday. Print these pattern block pages as poster size and let them sort your pattern blocks on them.
Click on pic for yours!

The other freebie is what I've been using in my writing center. I assign them one writing page that they MUST complete and then some options that they MAY do afterwards.
Click on pic for yours!

Happy Friday everyone!