Saturday, May 9, 2015


I did it! I've reached 300 followers on my TPT store! I remember just starting out and wondering if anyone would be interested in my products. It's been so much fun making things and knowing these products are in classrooms all over the country. I appreciate your business and hope that the products I make are engaging for your students and help save you time. To thank you for following me,  I've made a packet of journal pages. I've created different pages that will grow with your students as they grow as writers. Thanks again and I hope you enjoy!

Click on the pic above to get yours!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Pencil Sharpener

I'm not sure if you've heard of the "Classroom Friendly" pencil sharpeners or not, but......they.......are.......awesome! This sharpener was created by an elementary teacher, just like us, tired of sharpeners that are loud and quit working just months after use. I have used her sharpeners for 2 years and have LOVED them. Here is a demonstration of my daughter using it.

You can find these sharpeners at