Sunday, March 22, 2015

Dramatic Play - Pet Vet

I have mentioned before that this is the first year that I have actually placed FOCUS on my dramatic play center. I began the year with the Kinder Cafe.

Then I changed it to a Doctor's Office.

Then I changed it to a Bakery.

And now it's the Kinder Pet Vet! I'm so excited to see their faces when they see their new theme! My co-workers grandson is in my class and he got to see a glimpse of it one day over spring break. He said "This is really fun and I like the name Pet Vet. It rhymes you now." lol It was a goal of mine to add more literacy and math aspects into this center. So many teachers struggle with their administrators not allowing dramatic play. Well, now you have some great points to argue  discuss. Students will be using the scales and cubes to measure height, length, and weight on the pet. They will also sign in writing their name and writing the time. They will also go through the checklists (grooming and medical) and recording their services. Lastly, they will complete the appointment summary by using the vocabulary cards displayed in the pocket chart.


You can find this bundle of FUN here!

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